Assessment Report 2003 Health Improvement Program Nepal

Report on Assessment of Health Improvement Program in Eastern Nepal 2003
Survey Conducted by Eastern Regional Health Directorate Dhankuta and Britain Nepal Medical Trust.

The study to assess the health and health care delivery status in Eastern Development Region of Nepal was carried out by the Health Improvement Program of The Britain Nepal Medical Trust (BNMT) in close collaboration and coordination with Eastern Regional Health Directorate. This study is expected to provide insights into the current status of health; gaps in availability, accessibility and utilization of health care services; current and potential aspects that affect health and thus to guide health managers and partners to identify appropriate interventions to improve health status in the Eastern Development Region of Nepal through strengthening the capacity of local communities.
This report includes the key findings of the assessment. It is a summary for dissemination to the central level partners. At this moment, we would like to thank all members of central, regional, district and community level assessment teams for their contribution in the entire process of assessment. We would also like to thank officials from AC Nielsen Private Limited and the Eastern Regional Health Directorate for their immense and continued support and encouragement. We are also thankful to all the field staff of BNMT for their hard work during the assessment.





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