Seminar-Public-Health Paper presentation
This presentation summarises the results and insights from a thorough outbreak analysis. It shows the epidemiological aspects and the effect on public health.
Navigating the Landscape: A Comprehensive Overview of the National Immunization Program in Nepal
Undertaking an academic exploration into Nepal’s National Immunization Program provided a nuanced understanding of the country’s healthcare initiatives.
A Powerpoint Unveiling at the Regional Review Meeting in Biratnagar, 2068
This presentation scrutinizes the various facets of child health, emphasizing key findings and recommendations for future healthcare interventions.
Pioneering Medical Abortion: Insights from a Pilot Study in Jhapa, Nepal
National Review of Pilot Districts at Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal. This academic endeavor unraveled the findings of a pilot study on Medical Abortion conducted in Jhapa, Nepal.
Illuminating the Morang Innovative Neonatal Intervention (MINI) Program:
Enhancing Access through Innovation in Community-Based Management of Neonatal Infections in Nepal
International Seminar-Public-Health on Best Reproductive Health Practices,
This presentation highlights the innovative strategies employed in the community-based management of neonatal infections. It was held at the Hilton Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
Here are the Links.
1. Hepatitis Outbreak in Biratnagar Nepal 2014
Abstract Presentation
2. National Immunization Program in Nepal. download 995kb
3. Child Health of Eastern Region in FY 2067/68. download 10 MB
4. Medical Abortion: A Pilot Study done in Jhapa Nepal (presented at National review of Pilot districts at Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal) download 5.2 MB
5. The Morang Innovative Neonatal Intervention (MINI) Program Increased Access Through Innovation: Community Based Management of Neonatal Infections In Nepal (presented at the International seminar on best RH practices, Hilton Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand) download 672 kb