WATCH Project- SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis of WATCH project

Under ToR with AIFO Italy which is one of the donors of WATCH, an assessment of the project was indertaken by this writer. WATCH is working in HIV/AIDS, social empowerment and income generation in Kathmadu, Rupandehi, Kapilvastua and Nawalparashi districts.

SWOT Analysis on the basis of FGD with Rupendehi staff.


Medical Abortion Pilot Study in Jhapa Nepal

Morang is one of the Terai district located in Eastern Development Region. It is considered as having many non governmental organizations being involved in carrying out public health activities. According to the UNDP report 2001, human development index of the district is in better position among the districts in Eastern Development Region. Health Management Information System (HMIS) has also reported as the situation of the district is in increasing trend of coverage and achievement.
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