आठराई हाङपाङमा गणेशबहादुर राई

डा. नवराज सुब्बा

गाउँको पृष्ठभूमि 

ताप्लेजुङ जिल्ला अन्तर्गत पर्ने यो हाङपाङ गाउँ हाल संघीय नेपालको आठराई त्रिवेणी अन्तर्गतको हाङपाङ वडामा परिणत भएको छ । अहिले यो हाङपाङ गाउँ छिमेकी चाँगे, फूलबारी र निघुरादिन गाउँको सदरमुकाम गाउँपालिका बनेको छ । सरस्वती उच्च माद्यमिक विद्यालय आठराई त्रिवेणी गाउँपालिका सदरमुकाममा रहेर सर्वत्र शिक्षाको ज्योति फैलाइरहेको छ । यहाँको शैक्षिक पृष्ठभूमि जान्‍न विद्यालयको इतिहास कोट्याउन पर्दछ । 

आठराई हाङपाङ गाउँ वि.स. २०३२ अघि तेह्रथूम जिल्लाको एक दूर्गम गाउँ आठराई हाङपाङ थियो । यो गाउँ दुर्गम भए तापनि त्यहाँका जनता जागरुक थिए । विक्रम सम्बत् एक्काइशौं शताब्दी आरम्भपछि यहाँ टोलटोलमा विद्यार्थी भेला पारेर पढाउनलाई शिक्षक राख्‍ने चलन चल्यो । यसले तत्कालीन अवस्थामा लेखापढी गर्न जान्ने जनशक्ति तयार पार्‍यो । 

२००७ सालको क्रान्तिको सामाजिक चेतनाको प्रकाश यहाँसम्म आइपुग्यो । तब अनौपचारिक शिक्षाले मात्र समयको माग र आवश्यकतालाई पूरा गर्न नसकेको महसुस भयो । फलस्वरुप गाउँघरका विभिन्न केन्द्रहरुमा जनताले सामुदायिक विद्यालय भवन बनाउन थाले । उनीहरुले शिक्षकलाई पारिश्रामिक दिनका लागि जनसहभागितामा आधारित ब्यवस्था मिलाए । सबैको मुठीदानमा प्राप्त अन्न वा रकम दान सङ्कलन गरी शिक्षकलाई पारिश्रामिक दिने ब्यवस्था मिलाइयो । यसरी नै विद्यालय खोल्ने र संचालन गर्ने अभियान अघि बढ्यो । फलस्वरुप २०१८ सालमा हाङपाङमा सरस्वती डि.एस.बी. मिडिल स्कुल स्थापना भयो । 

Balkrishna Pokharel’s Native Tongue

Dr. Nawa Raj Subba.

The Khas language of Nepal is called the Nepali language. This language is the contact language of Nepal. This language, which sounds like Hindi, is also called the hilly Hindi language by some people. In this way, some linguists of Nepal did not like to call the Nepali language a mountain Hindi language. They knew that Sanskrit, Urdu, Hindi, Nepali Khas, etc., ​​belong to the Indo-European language family. Even though India and Nepal are culturally similar, they are different countries today. Similarly, although Nepali Khas and Hindi belong to the same language family, the opinion was born that the Nepali language should not be called the hilly Hindi.

Native tongues merged with the Khas and became different from previously during the establishment of Nepal, along with the spread of the Nepali Khas language. The Khasa language is comprised of simple Jharra terms. Therefore, Nepali linguists felt that the Nepali Khas language has a lot of originality even though it sounds like Hindi when spoken or heard. Thus, a national opinion formed that the Nepali language should no longer be called Pahari Hindi, i.e., the sister of Hindi, the Nepali Jharrobadi language movement. Balkrishna Pokharel is one of the leading activists of the Jharrowist language movement.

He was born on the 13th of Bhadra in Vikram Sambat 1990 in Chisapani Gadhi of Makwanpur. His father’s name is Subba Sharda Pokharel, and his mother’s name is Chayadevi Pokharel. He was educated at Banaras Hindu University and Calcutta University. After education, he made a notable contribution to linguistics. His major works include History of Khas Jatilo Itihas, 100 Years, and the Nepali Dictionary. In addition, he has written many books such as novels, poems, stories, essays, etc. He taught at Tribhuvan University for a long time. He is known as Professor Balkrishna Pokharel in the Nepali language. He died on 12th Falgun 2075 at the age of 86 in Biratnagar.

झर्रा बालकृष्ण पोखरेलका खाट्टी कुरा

डा. नवराज सुब्बा ।


नेपालको खस भाषालाई नेपाली भाषा भनिन्छ । यो भाषा नेपालको सम्पर्क भाषा हो । सुन्दा हिन्दीझैं लाग्‍ने यो भाषालाई कतिपयले पहाडी हिन्दी भाषा पनि भन्दछन् । यसरी नेपाली भाषालाई पहाडी हिन्दी भाषा भनेको नेपालका केही भाषाशास्त्रीलाई मन परेन । उनीहरुलाई थाहा थियो संस्कृत, उर्दु, हिन्दी, नेपाली खस आदि भाषा भारोपेली भाषा परिवारका हुन् । तापनि जसरी भारत र नेपाल सांस्कृतिक रुपमा समान भएर पनि आज फरक फरक राष्ट्र हुन् । त्यसै गरी नेपाली खस र हिन्दी भाषा एकै भाषा परिवार भए तापनि नेपाली भाषालाई पहाडी हिन्दी भाषा भन्‍न हुँदैन भन्‍ने मतको जन्म भयो ।

नेपाली खस भाषा गोरखाविस्तारसितै नेपाल निर्माणका क्रममा रैथाने जातजातिसित घुलमिल भयो र पहिलेभन्दा फरक बन्यो । खस भाषामा मौलिक झर्रा शब्दहरु निर्माण भए । त्यसकारण नेपाली खस भाषालाई सर्सर्ति सुन्दा वा बोल्दा हिन्दीझैं लागे तापनि अब यसमा मौलिकता प्रचूर मात्रामा भएको महसूस नेपाली भाषाशास्त्रीलाई भयो । त्यसैले नेपाली भाषालाई अब पहाडी हिन्दी अर्थात् हिन्दीको बहिनी भन्‍न हुदैन भन्‍ने राष्ट्रिय मत निर्माण भयो । जसलाई नेपाली झर्रोवादी भाषा आन्दोलन भनिन्छ । तिनै झर्रोवादी भाषा आन्दोलनका अग्रज अभियन्तामध्येका एक हुन्– बालकृष्ण पोखरेल ।

A Sample of the Literary Writers and Artists Market.

Dr. Nawa Raj Subba.

Artistic writing is called literature or creation. In literature, there is not only objective writing but also thematic imagination. Not all literature is thought or written. Sadhana or dedication is also needed for that. It is not enough to do sadhana; there should also be meaningful work.

I believe creation should be absolute in itself, and style should be original. The meaning of my statement is that it should be written in an independent or free-spirited manner, utterly free from insistence or prejudice. If a writer’s text deceives or puts someone down, that writing becomes praise or a slogan. Not everyone considers literature. Therefore, literary creation is free, spontaneous feelings bound by specific arts. There are also some ideas of literary creation. In the market, someone introduces a new style to get known as a creator.

Writers and artists are self-respecting; no one counts anyone. They only believe in themselves or their company. Therefore, literature is also a mixture, Khichadi. Getting a real piece of literature work and the creator in the market is demanding. As a Nepali language literature student, I am interested in this. I don’t know much about the other side. I am informed about the literary market of my hometown Biratnagar and a glimpse of Jhapa, Sunsari, Dhankuta, Kathmandu, and Chitwan. I am expressing my feelings on that basis. I understand that I don’t know how to write artistically. I have a habit of talking about what I have seen and experienced. Don’t be angry.

साहित्यिक बजार

डा. नवराज सुब्बा

कलात्मक लेखनलाई साहित्य वा सिर्जना भन्‍ने चलन छ । साहित्यमा वस्तुगत लेखन मात्र हुँदैन विषयगत कल्पना पनि हुन्छन् । त्यसो भन्दैमा सोचेका वा लेखेका सबै साहित्य हुँदैनन् । त्यसको लागि साधना पनि चाहिन्छ । अझ साधना मात्र गरेर पुग्दैन सार्थक सन्देश पनि चाहिन्छ ।

सिर्जना निरपेक्ष र शैली मौलिक हुनुपर्दछ भन्ने मेरो मान्यता छ । मेरो भनाइको तात्पर्य, कुनै सवालमा आग्रह वा पूर्वाग्रहबाट सकभर मुक्त स्वतन्त्र वा स्वच्छन्द भएर लेखिनुपर्दछ । कसैलाई फकाउने वा खसाउने गरी लेखिएमा त्यो लेखाइ स्तुति वा नारा हुन जान्छ । जसलाई सबैले साहित्य मान्दैनन् । त्यसैले साहित्यिक सिर्जना स्वतन्त्र, स्वच्छन्द भावना हो जो केही मान्यताद्वारा बाँधिएका हुन्छन् । साहित्यिक सिर्जनाका केही आदर्श पनि हुन्छन् । जमातमा आफू चिनिनलाई कोही नयाँ ढर्रा गर्दछन् ।

साहित्यकार, कलाकार स्वाभिमानी हुन्छन् कसैले कसैलाई गन्दैनन् । आफैलाई वा आफ्नो मण्डलीलाई मात्र पत्याउँछन् । त्यसैले साहित्य भनेको खिचडी पनि हो । यहाँ साहित्यिक माल पाउन वा चाल पाउन गाह्रो पनि छ । म नेपाली भाषा साहित्यको एक विद्यार्थी भएकाले यसबारे चासो राखिरहन्छु । मलाई अरुतिरको त्यत्ति ज्ञान छैन । मैले मेरै गृहनगर विराटनगरका बारेमा केही जानकारी राख्छु र मैले झापा, सुनसरी, धनकुटा, काठमाडौं, चितवनको साहित्यिक झलक पाएको छु । त्यही आधारमा म आफ्नो अनुभूति पोख्दैछु । मलाई थाहा छ म कलात्मक पाराले लेख्‍न त्यति जान्दिन पनि । जे देखेको भोगेको लागेको ठाडै बोल्ने बानी छ । नरिसाउनु होला ।

Ripped Ears by Hollow Slogans

Dr. Nawa Raj Subba.

Nepal is a nation of catchphrases. Or, to put it another way, it is a nation of leaders. Here, catchy slogans are sung from house to house. The old government is replaced, and new ones are installed. Empty slogans are those that lack a foundation and exist to garner support.

Regrettably, we have been referring to the free democracy that was born on someone’s lap as democracy. For foreign interests, the leaders and administrators of this country are constantly shifting. The unique trait of Nepali leaders is that they ascend to power to hand over control of Nepal’s rivers to foreigners (Acharya, Upendradev). Once the government changed, Nepali leaders prepared to hand over Nepal’s natural resources to foreigners. Our past is like a frog that jumps no matter how high we jump. Therefore, the frog hopping of the leader and empty phrases have a terrible relationship.

Take a look at the nation’s health. In the 1990s, the phrase “Health for all by the year 2000” was famous. Sadly, that motto was unable to be realised. Then, at the international community’s request, the government modified its position. He emphasised the need to meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goals. The government said that the achievement should make publically sustainable as a result. But unfortunately, we could not accomplish the objectives.

खोक्रा नारा थोत्रा कान

डा. नवराज सुब्बा ।

नेपाल नारै नाराको देश हो । अर्को शब्दमा यो नेतै नेताको देश हो । घरिघरि यहाँ आकर्षक नाराहरु वर्षे भेलझैं उर्लिन्छन् । नयाँ सरकार आउँदैपिच्छे नेताहरु कुर्लिन्छन् । केवल भोट आकर्षित पार्ने उद्देश्यले आधार बिनाका नारालाई खोक्रा नारा भनिन्छ ।

दुःखका साथ भन्नु पर्दछ, वास्तवमा हामी कसैका पोल्टामा हुर्केको प्रजातन्त्रलाई लोकतन्त्र भनेर मख्ख परेका रहेछौं । यहाँ विदेशी स्वार्थमा पटक पटक सरकार फेरिरहन्छ । नेपाली नेताको खूबी के छ भने विदेशीलाई नेपालका नदीनाला जिम्मा लगाउन उनीहरु सत्तामा आएका हुन्छन् (आचार्य,उपेद्रदेव) । नेपालको प्राकृतिक स्रोत साधन सरकार फेरिदैपिछे विदेशीलाई बुझाएका छन् । जतिसुकै उफ्रे पनि भ्यातुत्ताझैं हविगत भएको छ हाम्रो । त्यसैले नेताका भ्यागुत्ते उफ्राइ र खोक्रा नाराबीच भयङ्कर डरलाग्दो तादात्म्यता हुन्छ ।