सूर्तीको स्वाद

नवराज सुब्बा

मैले सबैभन्दा धेरै आशिर्वाद आगो ओसार्दा पाएको छु । अर्थात् बाल्यकालमा चुरोट, बिँडी तथा सूर्ती सल्काउन चुल्होबाट आगो ल्याइदिँदा गाउँघरका धेरै अभिभावकहरूबाट मैले थुप्रै आशिर्वाद पाएँ ।

मेरो जीवन यात्रा

नवराज सुब्बा

मेरो बाल्यकाल मेरो सिर्जनाको मलिलो स्रोत हो । बाल्यकालका मीठा, नमीठा दुवै अनुभव र अनुभूति मैले संगालेको छु । आज केवल बाल्यकालको सम्झनाले मात्र पनि मन प्रफुल्लित हुन्छ ।

लिम्बू भाषामा अन्तर्वार्ता

As a Public Health Expert Nawa Raj Subba was taken an interview on the Public Health issues of Nepal and also as a Poet some questions

As a Public Health Expert Nawa Raj Subba was taken an interview on the Public Health issues of Nepal and also as a Poet some questions were asked to Subba on Limbu culture and literature by a Journalist Ram Laoti. Here is the detail of that interview in Limbu dialect as follows.