Citation: Nawa Raj Subba, Suicides in Ilam District of Nepal, American Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 4, No. 6, 2015, pp. 137-141. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20150406.11.
Correspondence: [email protected]
This is a review of suicides through post-mortem reports committed in Ilam district of Nepal. The review is base on all total 112 post-mortem reports of three consecutive fiscal years (2001/02, 3002/03, 2003/04) available in District Health Office Ilam. Epi-Info software used to analyze the samples on the computer. Findings showed the ethnic distribution of the samples was indigenous Janajati 53.7%, Brahmin 29.5%, Dalit 8.9%, and Chhetri 8%. The sex ratio of female to male was 2:1. The mean age of suicide noticed in male 34 years and in female 35 years. Suicides from Ilam municipality, Mangalbare, and Maipokhari villages recorded high. Means of suicides were hanging 71.43%, organophosphate poisoning 12.5% and weapon 1.79%, fire 1.79%, fall 1.79%, and drown 0.89%. The highest suicides noted in 20-29 ages group. The trend of suicides was increasing over the past 11 years (1992-2003) in the district.
Suicide, Demographic Information, Trend, Ilam Nepal.
Citation: Nawa Raj Subba, Suicides in Ilam District of Nepal, American Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 4, No. 6, 2015, pp. 137-141. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20150406.11.
Correspondence: [email protected]
This is a review of suicides through post-mortem reports committed in Ilam district of Nepal. The review is base on all total 112 post-mortem reports of three consecutive fiscal years (2001/02, 3002/03, 2003/04) available in District Health Office Ilam. Epi-Info software used to analyze the samples on the computer. Findings showed the ethnic distribution of the samples was indigenous Janajati 53.7%, Brahmin 29.5%, Dalit 8.9%, and Chhetri 8%. The sex ratio of female to male was 2:1. The mean age of suicide noticed in male 34 years and in female 35 years. Suicides from Ilam municipality, Mangalbare, and Maipokhari villages recorded high. Means of suicides were hanging 71.43%, organophosphate poisoning 12.5% and weapon 1.79%, fire 1.79%, fall 1.79%, and drown 0.89%. The highest suicides noted in 20-29 ages group. The trend of suicides was increasing over the past 11 years (1992-2003) in the district.
Suicide, Demographic Information, Trend, Ilam Nepal.
Dr. Nawa Raj
Dr. Nawa Raj Subba is a public health specialist who has more than three and a half decades of experience working in public healthcare management at the Ministry of Health and Population in Nepal. In the spirit of public-private partnerships to expand access to health care in rural communities in Eastern Nepal, he played a vital role in leading operational research. He has also independently researched public health and intercultural psychology in Nepal. He published his works in books and journals. Nepali literature, culture, and music recognized him as an author. He has written artistic and cultural texts and CDs. His work has been acknowledged and appreciated by civil society, the government of Nepal, and abroad. He is now involved in Public Health and Intercultural Psychology studies in Nepal.