Posted inकविता
सत्यम् शिवम् शुन्दरम्
हाँसे हाँस्ने
रोए पनि हाँस्ने
कहिल्यै नओइलिने
एउटा सुन्दर फूल
VCT Centre Can Work for TB-HIV Co-infection: Jhapa Experience
Patients or clients can only be attracted to the services since service provided by VCT centre are really helpful for them rather than getting new unsolved problems them in their society.
हिमाल हेर्दै तिमी
कति खुसी हुन्थ्यौ
तस्बिर टागेर भित्तामा
कत्ति रोमाञ्चित हुन्थ्यौ तिमी
सायद सोच्दथ्यौ होला
म पनि हिमालजस्तै अग्लो हुन पाउँ